Inkscape is an awesome piece of software that is packed with many more tools and features. Additionally, if you click on a shape that is selected, the resize handles change to rotate mode, allowing you to spin your shape: When a shape is selected, you can also use the resize handles to scale the shape. Then click and drag the shape to where you want it to be. To use the select tool, first select it from the toolbar, and then click on the shape you want to manipulate. Now you have a bunch of shapes, and can use the Select tool to move them around. Selecting and moving objects in your drawing Also play around with some of the settings for each tool to create a bunch of unique shapes. Next, experiment with some of the other shapes tools in the Toolbar, such as the rectangle tool, the spiral tool and the circle tool. Finally, when you’re done, with the star still selected choose a colour from the Palette to change the colour of your star: To change this, play with the Corners option in the Tools Control Bar, and add a few more points. You’ll probably notice your star looks a lot like a triangle. First, choose the star tool from the Toolbar, and click and drag on the main drawing area. Each time you select a new tool, the Tools Control Bar will update with the settings for that tool: The Tools Control Bar provides all the settings for the currently selected tool in the Toolbar. The Colour Palette provides a quick way to set the colour of the currently selected object. The select tool for selecting objects in your drawing.The path tool, for creating or editing more complex or customized shapes.The text tool, for adding labels and other text.The circle tool, for drawing ellipses and circles.